Saturday, 17 August 2013

How did I become a Green Wytch?

Many a moon ago, when I were a mere lassie, I caught sight of a beautiful book called "The Green Witch". This wonderful volume of little magical secrets was a wonder to me and remains so to this day. It caught me heart nicely and I gelled with the teachings!

To me a green wytch is a Nature wytch! One who is close to the Great Mother and empowers Her magic from this perspective. There are as many kinds of Green wytch as there are paths in magic. I myself am leaning towards the Hedge wytch aspect of things. The Hedgerow is a powerful place!!!!

Nature and Her glory is in every way what is magical about the world! Faeries preside here and Faery Wicca is another important aspect of my own personal magic! I am sure you are all aware of faeries and how wonderful they are! Faeries bring the light of the forest and the hedgerow into the glory of mankind's world! The faeries share their secrets with you if you are willing to give them the time of day, or night!!

How to be greeen? Well that is something topical!! Green living and eco-lifestyles make very Green Wytch a breath of fresh air! In other words living as close to the Great Mother as your life will allow! With wisdom in the making we find ourselves absorbed in Nature and allow the natural vibe of the Great Mother to fill Our chalice. She being the ever-giving, ever-loving, good-natured Being the Great Mother has and always will BE!

Blessings of the Lammas Harvestime to you and yours!
Blessed Be